September 11, 1973. A Day of Shame for America. Sponsored Coup d’etat in Chile

September 11, 1973.

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La Moneda Palace in flames – Santiago Chile – 9.11.1973

A Day of Shame for America.

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Chilean military fires on La Moneda Palace in Santiago – September 11, 1973

The American government. Encouraged. Sponsored. Backed.

American media beat the drums to oust Salvador Allende with headline – Marxist Threat In The Americas – September 1970

Violent Coupd’etat  overthrew democratically elected Socialist Salvador Allende in Chile.

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Salvador Allende at the voting booth in Chile

Ushered in 17 year Repressive Pinochet reign. Thousands jailed. Tortured. Killed by American supported military dictatorship.

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Chilean military burn books following Coup d’etat

Top photo – Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet and US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Architects of the Coup d’etat which overthrew Salvador Allende – 9.11.1973