USA Today -Texas Troopers smash Palestine protest at UT Austin


Lee Heidhues 4.24.2024

The events at the University of Texas, Austin are symptomatic of the events sweeping America’s campus in April 2024. In the late 1960’s it was America’s war against the people of Southeast Asia. Today it is Israel’s war against the Palestinian people of Gaza with America as the chief supplier of the weapons of destruction. Yesterday and today the future leaders have risen up to fight the insanity of their leaders.

The Troopers of the American Police State are descending on American college campuses to smash legitimate protest in support of the people of Palestine and against Israel’s continuing decimation of children, women and men of Gaza.

The campuses from New York through Texas and onto Berkeley are withstanding the onslaught of the well armed guardians of law and order. Ready to smash any dissent which becomes too burdensome for the power structure.

Excerpted from Austin American Statesman 4.24.2024

University of Texas, Austin – April 24, 2024

More than 20 people were arrested at a peaceful, pro-Palestinian protest Wednesday at the University of Texas hosted by the Palestine Solidarity Committee, a registered student group and a chapter of the national Students for Justice in Palestine, which held the rally to call for an end to the Israel-Hamas war.

PSC planned the protest in solidarity with students across the U.S. who have been demanding their universities to divest from Israeli businesses and for the federal government to stop backing Israel’s military as more than 30,000 people have died in Gaza amid the ongoing Middle East conflict.

As students walked out of class at 11:40 a.m. Wednesday to begin protesting, state and university police descended on horse back, bikes, motorcycles, cars and on foot to meet the rally goers. Around 5:20 p.m., the university issued a dispersal order asking everyone to leave the campus South Mall area “immediately.”

State troopers on campus at the University of Texas – Austin
The big stick of the Police State at The University of Texas, Austin
Handcuffed, under arrest for protesting on behalf of Palestine at The University of Texas, Austin
Texas cops smash Palestine protest at UT Austin
State Troopers at UT Austin using their bicycles as barricades
No horsing around with the Texas State Troopers
Three hour news feed from Fox News Austin-on the scene at University of Texas Palestine protest