Rainy Day. Birthday shopping. Walk to Lands End Visitor Center


Lee Heidhues 5.4.2024

There was an unseasonable rain storm which came in the night and lasted into the afternoon. A deluge which left us with lush greenery and clean skies.


The view from our back deck near the Pacific Ocean on a rainy day in May.
Looking south from Sutro Heights Park along the Pacific Coast shoreline.

I took the opportunity to take a walk to Sutro Heights Park and ended up at the Golden Gate National Recreation Center (GGNRA) Visitor Center. Where I purchased a birthday gift for my sister in law and, unable to resist temptation, another coffee mug for our burgeoning collection.

The pathway from Sutro Heights Park leading to the Visitor Center
Beautiful Sutro Heights Park as the rain subsides.
The wilderness of San Francisco.
The iconic white house in Sutro Heights Park
The Pacific Ocean at the northwest corner of San Francisco
The Lions watch over Lands End Lookout
The guardian of the coastline
The scenic view looking west at the Pacific Ocean from inside The Visitors Center.
A birthday dish towel emblazoned with California poppies and California quail resting nearby the coffee mugs.
Sisters belong to each other.
Who can do anything but smile when standing by the Pacific Ocean after the rainstorm?