Great Walkway Park will complete a Triple Play for SF Environment


Lee Heidhues 6.19.2024

The announcement yesterday that San Francisco voters will decide to create a 24/7 Oasis by the Pacific Ocean is a potentially momentous event. Momentous when the voters JUST DO IT!! on November 5, 2024.

Keep Upper Great Highway Kid Safe – Vote YES on The November 5, 2024 ballot measure

Creation of this urban park will complete the San Francisco Triple Play.

First was the demolition of the horrid Embarcadero Freeway following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. This concrete eyesore was a blight on the San Francisco Bay for decades.

Embarcadero Freeway circa 1960’s

Embarcadero today

JFK Drive pre Promenade

The second item in the San Francisco Triple Play is JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park which was approved by the voters in November 2022 with a resounding 63 percent YES vote

Pedestrian and cyclist friendly JFK Promenade in Golden Gate Park

On November 5 The People of San Francisco will have the opportunity to complete the environmental Triple Play and ensure The City of St. Francis is an international environmental oasis.

Pre Great Walkway along the Pacific

The People celebrate The Great Walkway

Top photo: The People enjoy the Great Walkway along the San Francisco Pacific Coast shoreline.