Mark Farrell – SF Mayor wannabe Waging a Bullying campaign


Lee Heidhues 6.22.2024

Mark Farrell the local guy, Venture Capital millionaire, former Supervisor, former temporary Mayor and violator of campaign laws in San Francisco can add another title to his sketchy political resume.


This is the same Mark Farrell, whose campaign manager Jade Tu bullied and harassed the campaign kickoff of Supervisor Aaron Peskin’s mayoral campaign. Which took place before a huge throng at historic Portsmouth Square in San Francisco’s Chinatown on April 6, 2024.

Mark Farrell campaign manager Jade Tu, with bullhorn in tow disrupts Aaron Peskin campaign kickoff – April 6, 2024

Mark Farrell displayed his genuine political character. He should have immediately fired Jade Tu for this anti-democratic attack on free speech. He did not. The goal of Farrell’s campaign manager was to disrupt and harass a political opponent. The fact Mark Farrell did nothing is indicative of the bullying and abusive manner he conducts his political operation.

Bully, campaign finance violator and dissembler. This is the true character of the candidate presenting himself as the once and future Mayor of San Francisco.

Jade Tu, Mark Farrell’s campaign manager and myrmidon

San Francisco Ethics Commission 2014 decision

In June 2016, Farrell was ordered to repay $191,000[18] in unlawful campaign funding after the City ethics panel voted, 5-0, to uphold the original 2014 decision of the San Francisco Ethics Commission that he should have to forfeit back to the City the amount raised from just two donors and used late in the 2010 election by Common Sense Voters,[19][20][21] an independent expenditure committee, with improper communications from a campaign consultant. Farrell was exonerated by the California Fair Political Practices Commission, although the campaign consultant Chris Lee and Common Sense Voters were found to be in violation of federal campaign finance laws, but a further complaint was filed with the City commission by Janet Reilly, who lost to Farrell by 256 votes. City law, stricter than state law, holds candidates personally responsible for staff as well as themselves, whether they knew about the illegal communication or not. In an unusual move, Farrell responded with a lawsuit against the City in May to prevent further collection efforts from the Treasurer’s office, and settled with the City for $25,000 in October 2016.[18][21][22][23][24]

Mayoral hopeful Mark Farrell and his campaign manager Jade Tu parade before San Francisco City Hall

This is the same Mark Farrell who now describes himself as a Small Business Owner. A misleading job title he wants included in the November voters handbook.

Venture capitalist Mark Farrell wants to be ‘small business owner’ on November ballot

Farrell practiced law as a corporate and securities attorney at Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati in Silicon Valley, then joined Thomas Weisel Partners as an investment banker. He subsequently co-founded Quest Hospitality Ventures, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm focused on the hospitality and travel sector.[7] Prior to his election to office, he served as a mid-level director of Quest Hospitality Ventures,[8] now Thayer Ventures[9] a venture capital firm.[3][7]

Excerpted from Wikipedia

Top photo – Jade Tu with bullhorn and symbolic fly swatter disrupts Aaron Peskin’s rally in Portsmouth Square – April 6, 2024 – photos of Jade Tu by Lee Heidhues